Definition of Centre of gravity

1. Noun. The point within something at which gravity can be considered to act; in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass.

Exact synonyms: Center Of Gravity
Generic synonyms: Center, Centre, Midpoint
Specialized synonyms: Center Of Flotation, Centre Of Flotation

Definition of Centre of gravity

1. Noun. (physics) a point, near or within a body, through which its weight can be assumed to act when considering forces on the body and its motion under gravity. This coincides with the centre of mass in a uniform gravitational field ¹

2. Noun. (as a metaphor) any pivotal or central idea or group. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Centre Of Gravity

centre back
centre bit
centre circle
centre forward
centre half
centre halves
centre median de Luys
centre of attention
centre of buoyancy
centre of curvature
centre of effort
centre of flotation
centre of gravity
centre of immersion
centre of inertia
centre of lift
centre of ossification
centre of ridge
centre of rotation
centre of symmetry
centre parting
centre spread
centre stage
centre third

Literary usage of Centre of gravity

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A History of Greek Mathematics by Thomas Little Heath (1921)
"On the centre of gravity. This brings Heron to the centre of gravity (chap. 24). Here a definition by Posidonius, a Stoic, of the ' centre of gravity' or ..."

2. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus: With Examples and by James Morford Taylor, William Christ (1889)
"The product of the weight of a body by the distance of its centre of gravity from a given plane is called the moment of the body with respect to that plane. ..."

3. Textbook of Geology by Sir Archibald Geikie (1882)
"Changes of the Earth's Centre of Gravity.—If the centre of gravity in our planet, as pointed out by Herschel, be not coincident with the centre of figure, ..."

4. An Introduction to Natural Philosophy: Designed as a Text-book for the Use by Denison Olmsted, Ebenezer Strong Snell (1871)
"Hence, the centre of gravity of a material straight line (eg, a fine straight wire) is in the ... In the discussion of the centre of gravity in relation ..."

5. Scientific Dialogues for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People by Jeremiah Joyce (1866)
"Ch. All bodies, then, of whatever shape, have a centre of gravity, and if that point is supported, the body will not fall? Fa. You are perfectly correct, ..."

6. The Advanced Part of A Treatise on the Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies by Edward John Routh (1884)
"If the straight line did not pass through the centre of gravity show that ... To find the motion of the pole of the earth about its centre of gravity when ..."

7. A System of Natural Philosophy: In which the Principles of Mechanics by John Lee Comstock (1834)
"The centre of gravity, in any body or system of bodies, is that point upon which the body, or system of bodies, acted upon only by gravity, will balance ..."

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